Jim Blanchard is probably the leading Motorcycle artist in the UK, and fortunately Speedway has a place in his interests. He has produced a superb set of Speedway paintings in recent years, and in 2004 he was commissioned to add Monarch Greats Peter Carr and Frede Schott to his portfolio.

Frede's painting was produced for the "Schott's Wha Hae" testimonial. The original was raffled amongst supporters who purchased advance tickets for the meeting, and won by Scott Paterson who gave the painting to his dad as a superb Christmas present!

Here is the Frede painting, from a Jimmy Grant photo:

A limited number of prints were produced and a very small number are still available.

Peter's painting was produced so the prints could be given as the last in a series of Christmas "gifts" for members of the Motorists (Peter's support group), who all received a print. The original is reserved for Peter's parents.

Here is the Peter painting, also from a Jimmy Grant photo:

Prints of this painting were larger, and once again there are some still available.